Test Plan Retriever plugin 1.0.0.RELEASE Release Note
Test Plan Retriever plugin is a plugin for Squash TM to send informations about an automated execution plan to a Squash Orchestrator instance.
This release note explains new features of Test Plan Retriever plugin version 1.0.0.RELEASE, compared to 1.0.0.alpha2.
Test Plan Retriever plugin 1.0.0.RELEASE is compatible with Squash TM version 1.22.2.RELEASE or higher.
Test Plan Retriever plugin 1.0.0.RELEASE was released on April 23, 2021.
The plugin exists in two versions: Community (free) and Premium (commercial).
This version does not add new features or corrections compared to version 1.0.0.alpha2. It is only a version number upgrade to act that it is a public release version.