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Squash Orchestrator Premium Services 3.9.0 Release Note


Squash Orchestrator Premium Services is a set of micro-services exclusive to Squash AUTOM Premium users to perform automated test execution workflows described in a specific format.

This release note describes the changes of Squash Orchestrator Premium Services version 3.9.0 compared to 3.8.0.

Squash Orchestrator Premium Services 3.9.0 was released on April 25, 2023.

New features

The Squash Orchestrator Premium Services have been released in order to also benefit of the following Squash Orchestrator improvements:

  • Issue orchestrator #342 Allow for dynamic pool changes
    Issue python-toolkit #71 Allow for dynamic hooks/pools changes
    When the definitions of hooks or pools are updated, it is no more necessary to restart the orchestrator, this one will detect the update and will automatically apply the new configuration.

  • Issue python-toolkit #78 Improve handling of incorrect external hooks definitions
    In order to detect more easily incorrect hook definitions, an error message will be logged every time the function, on which the hook applies, will be executed.