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Automation with Robot Framework

Configuration of the test environment

The allure-robotframework Python module must be present in the test environment.
It can be installed with the command:

pip3 install allure-robotframework

In order to retrieve the Squash TM parameters, the squash-tf-services Python library must be present.
It can be installed with the command:

pip3 install squash-tf-services

Test reference in Squash TM

In order to bind a Squash TM test case to a Robot Framework automated test, the content of the Automated test reference field of the Automation block of a test case must have the following format:

[1] / [2] # [3]


  • [1]: Name of the project on the source code repository.
  • [2]: Path and name of the Robot Framework test, from the root of the project (with the .robot extension).
  • [3]: Name of the test case to execute in the .robot file.

Nature of the exploitable Squash TM parameters

The exploitable Squash TM parameters in a Robot Framework script will differ depending on whether you're using the Community or Premium version of Squash DEVOPS.

Here is a table showing the exploitable parameters (these parameters are transmitted as test parameters, see below, Squash TM does not generate global parameters):

Nature Key Community Premium
Name of the dataset DSNAME βœ… βœ…
Dataset parameter DS_[name] βœ… βœ…
Test case reference TC_REFERENCE βœ… βœ…
Test case custom field TC_CUF_[code] βœ… βœ…
Iteration custom field IT_CUF_[code] ❌ βœ…
Campaign custom field CPG_CUF_[code] ❌ βœ…
Test suite custom field TS_CUF_[code] ❌ βœ…


  • [code]: Value of the "Code" of a custom field
  • [name]: Parameter name as filled in Squash TM

Parameters usage

It is possible, when running Robot Framework tests, to exploit parameters within it. A parameter can be a test parameter or a global parameter. Squash TM transmits only test parameters. Test parameters and global parameters can be used in Squash DevOps with the robotframework/params action.

In order to achieve this, you have to follow these steps:

  • Import the squash-tf-services library in the Settings section of the .robot file:

    Library squash_tf.TFParamService

  • You can then retrieve the value of a parameter by calling one of the following keywords:

    • ${value}=Get Global Paramkey
      ${value}=Get Global Paramkeydefault_value
      This keyword retrieves the value of a global parameter.
      If it exists, its value is assigned to ${value}.
      Otherwise the default value is assigned to ${value}; if no default value was provided, None is used.
      ${parameter}=    Get Global Param    target_base_url    http:localhost:8080/sut/

    • ${value}=Get Test Paramkey
      ${value}=Get Test Paramkeydefault_value
      This keyword retrieves the value of a test parameter.
      If it exists, its value is assigned to ${value}.
      Otherwise the default value is assigned to ${value}; if no default value was provided, None is used.
      ${login}=    Get Test Param    TC_login    test_user

    • ${value}=Get Testkey
      ${value}=Get Testkeydefault_value
      This keyword combines both types of parameters.
      If a test parameter exists, its value is assigned to ${value}.
      Otherwise, if a global parameter exists, its value is assigned to ${value}.
      Otherwise, the default value is assigned to ${value}; if no default value was provided, None is used.
      ${login}=    Get Param    login    test_user

Below is an example of a Robot Framework test file and the corresponding Squash TM test case automation:





Supported versions

Squash AUTOM and Squash DEVOPS have been validated with Robot Framework 4.0. Any recent version should work properly.

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