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Using BDD and Robot Framework in Squash AUTOM - Project setup


Squash TM administrator
Product owner
Functional tester
Set up Squash TM
Write requirements
Write test cases
Transmit test cases
Get test cases
Automate test cases
Deliver automated test cases
Indicate automation is performed
Run automated tests

Declaration of the public URL

In order to enable the communication between Squash TM and Squash Orchestrator, the public URL of the Squash TM instance must be declared.
Annita defines the public URL as described in Squash TM documentation. Squash TM public URL

Creation of the project in Squash TM

Annita creates the project as described in the Squash TM documentation.
She sets the project as BDD with Robot Framework and the automation workflow as managed by Squash TM:

Squash TM project setup

Declaration of the Squash Orchestrator in Squash TM

A Squash Orchestrator has been deployed as described in that page.
Annita declares it in Squash TM as described in the Squash TM documentation so it is available to execute tests from Squash TM. Squash TM project setup

Then, she associates it to the project:

Squash TM project setup

Creation of the Git repository (for the automated tests)

In order to be able to finish the configuration of the project, Annita needs the Git repository information. So she asks Antonine to create the repository and, in it, the directory into which Squash TM will push the automated test cases.

Antonine creates a local Git repository with the adequate directory:

mkdir repo_prestashop
cd repo_prestashop
mkdir -p tests/bdd_squash
touch tests/bdd_squash/.gitkeep
git init
git add .
git commit -m "project setup"

Then, she creates an empty repository in the cloud (it could be in GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket…, in this case it is, and pushes her local repo on it:

git remote add origin
git push --set-upstream origin master

At last, she indicates to Annita the URL of the remote repository is and that the generated script files (i.e. the robot files) should be placed in the tests/bdd_squash directory.

Declaration of the Git repository in Squash TM

Squash TM needs a local repository in order to be able to push the scripts it generates into the remote cloud repository created by Antonine. Annita declares these two Git repositories as described in the Squash TM documentation:

Git repo setup

Overview of the involved Git repositories

Squash TM uses a local repository (on the host server) to generate automated scripts before pushing them into the remote repository of the project.
🛑 Nobody must interact with this local repository, it is intended to be used only by Squash TM.

Antonine will later also interact with the remote repository, on her local working environment: Squash TM public URL

Then, Annita associates the repository to the project:

Squash TM project setup