Squash Orchestrator 1.0.0.alpha2 Release Note
Squash Orchestrator is a set of micro-services to perform automated test execution workflows described in a specific format.
This release note explains new features of Squash Orchestrator version 1.0.0.alpha1, compared to 1.0.0.alpha2.
Squash Orchestrator 1.0.0.alpha2 was released on March 16, 2021.
Major features of the release
- Create execution plan "as code" (EPAC) in a Json or YAML to orchestrate executions of your automated tests outside a test referential.
- Exploit following actions in yours EPAC :
- Manage branch when cloning a Git repository
- Launch Cucumber tests
- Launch SoapUI tests
- Launch Cypress tests
- Generate an allure report based on all execution reports from an EPAC workflow execution
- Send allure report to a Squash TM instance to be attached to an Automated Suite
- Squash TM Generator "Dry-run" mode : Squash Orchestrator doesn't execute tests of a Squash TM execution plan but generate execution results based on a list of execution reports given by the user.
New micro-services introduced by the release
Cucumber report interpretor service
Service to extract execution results from a Cucumber type xml report.
Cypress report interpretor service
Service to extract execution results from a Cypress type xml report.
Allure Report Collector
Service to generate an Allure report based on execution reports gcreated during an EPAC workflow execution.
Cucumber action provider service
Service to allow Cucumber test related actions inside an EPAC.
Following actions are supported :
- Execute a Cucumber test
- Specify a tag to execute
Cypress action provider service
Service to allow Cypress test related actions inside an EPAC.
Following actions are supported :
- Execute a Cypress test
- Generate environment parameters
SoapUI action provider service
Service to allow SoapUI test related actions inside an EPAC.
Following actions are supported :
- Execute a SoapUI test
Inception service
Service to execute EPAC isntructions on a "fake" execution environment in order to send execution result message with the attachments given as arguments by the user.
Evolutions in existing micro-services
Squash TM Generator service
- Generic:
- Send Allure report to Squash TM at the end of a Squash TM execution plan execution
- Support of "Dry-run" mode
- Can generate workflow messages for SoapUI Test execution
- Can generate workflow messages for Cucumber Test execution
- Can generate workflow messages for Cypress Test execution
- Can generate workflow messages for Git clone action with branch and authentification information received from Squash TM
Git action provider service
- Can specify the name of the branch to clone
- Can retrieve authentication informations from the execution environment for connection to the scm server