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Using BDD and Cucumber in Squash AUTOM - Writing requirements

Writing the requirements

Squash TM administrator
Product owner
Functional tester
Set up Squash TM
Write requirements
Write test cases
Transmit test cases
Get test cases
Automate test cases
Deliver automated test cases
Indicate automation is performed
Run automated tests

Pravash defines the requirements for account management and for cart management:

Name Reference Criticality Category Requirement
account acc-01 Major Functional An account shall be uniquely identified by its email.
login acc-02 Major Functional In order to login, the user shall provide his/her email and password.
password acc-03 Critical Functional The password shall have at least five characters.
account creation acc-04 Major Functional When creating an account, the user shall provide
- social title
- first name
- last name
- email
- password
- birthdate
- acceptance/refusal of partner offers
- sign up/refusal of the newsletter
and s/he shall accept
- the GDPR policy
- the privacy policy
… … … … and so on…

He creates them in Squash TM as described in the Squash TM documentation:
