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Squash Orchestrator 1.0.0.alpha1 Release Note


Squash Orchestrator is a set of micro-services to perform automated test execution workflows described in a specific format.

This release note explains new features of Squash Orchestrator version 1.0.0.alpha1.

Squash Orchestrator 1.0.0.alpha1 was released on February 05, 2021.

Major features of the release

  • All micro-services available in a unique Docker image.
  • Create Planned Execution "as Code" (PEaC) in a Json or YAML to orchestrate executions of your automated tests outside a test referential.
  • Exploit following actions in yours PEaC:
    • Clone automated tests from a distant Git repository
    • Launch Robot Framework tests
    • Launch JUnit tests
    • Upload execution reports to an Amazon S3 container
    • Launch specific Squash TM automated execution plans and send back execution result and execution reports at the end of execution

Micro-services introduced by the release

EventBus service

Service to allow publish/subscribe type commmunication between Squash Orchestrator micro-services

Receptionist service

Service used to receive PEaC and launch its execution.

Arranger service

Service used to manage workflows of PEaC execution

Observer service

Service used to retrieve information about a PEaC workflow.

Killswitch service

Service to cancel the execution of a PEaC workflow

Squash TM Generator service

Service to retrieve a Squash TM automated execution plan and execute it.

  • Community version:

    • Can retrieve execution plan of a Squash TM Iteration or Test Suite
    • Retrieve an execution plan with following informations about test cases:
      • Test case dataset
      • Test case custom fields
  • Premium version:

    • Can retrieve execution plan of a Squash TM Iteration or Test Suite
    • Can filter execution plan on a test case's tag custom field value
    • Retrieve an execution plan with following informations about test cases:
      • Test case dataset
      • Test case custom fields

Squash TM publisher service

Service to send execution results and execution reports to a Squash TM instance.

Surefire report interpretor service

Service to extract execution results from a Surefire type xml report.

Robot Framework report interpretor service

Service to extract execution results from a Robot Framework type xml report.

Git action provider service

Service to allow git repository cloning action inside a PEaC

Files action provider service

Service to allow file manipulation action inside a PEaC.

Following actions are supported:

  • Create a file
  • Retrieve a file

JUnit action provider service

Service to allow JUnit test related actions inside a PEaC.

Following actions are supported:

  • Execute a JUnit test

Robot Framework action provider service

Service to allow Robot Framework test related actions inside a PEaC.

Following actions are supported:

  • Execute a Robot Framework test
  • Create a parameter file

S3 publisher service

Service to publish execution reports to an Amazon S3 container.

SSHEE service

Service to send PEaC instructions to an execution environment by SSH protocol