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Squash Orchestrator 4.1.0 Release Note


Squash Orchestrator is a set of micro-services to perform automated test execution workflows described in a specific format.

This release note describes the changes of Squash Orchestrator version 4.1.0 compared to 4.0.0.

Squash Orchestrator 4.1.0 was released on March 28, 2023.

New features

  • Issue python-toolkit #63 Trusted certificates handling
    The configuration of the Orchestrator when using self-signed certificates has been simplified, it was too complex and not properly documented for the Java microservices.
    To further help, this configuration is now described in the FAQ, there is no more need to refer to the OpenTestFactory documentation.

  • Issue orchestrator #302 Discover available namespaces
    A new /namespaces endpoint has been added, it lists the namespaces (accessible by the token used in the request). It is possible to filter the namespaces on given verbs and resources, see the OpenTestFactory documentation.

  • Issue orchestrator #303 The receptionist should accept a new 'namespace' query parameter
    A POST request on the /workflows endpoint can now have a namespace query parameter to specify in which namespace the workflow should run, see the OpenTestFactory documentation.

  • Issue orchestrator #315 Add endpoint to query version
    A new /version endpoint has been added, it returns the versions of the components of the image, see the OpenTestFactory documentation.

  • Issue orchestrator #308 Improve performance of git clone
    An actions/checkout@v3 function has been added: it supports a fetch-depth input to indicate the number of commits to retrieve when performing git clone. The actions/checkout@v2 function is still supported.

  • Issue orchestrator #280 SSH-channel should give the hostname instead of the hash when it warns that it can't connect to a runtime environment
    SSH environments are now reported as user@host:port (instead of hash) in logs.

  • Issue orchestrator #310 Improve sshchannel logs
    Additional information is logged when using SSH environments:

    • sent and awaited files by an environment;
    • in debug mode, job assignation to/release from an environment.
  • Issue orchestrator #326 Lower paramiko log level
    The SSH channel plugin logs were too verbose in debug mode. Some logs are now generated only if the SSHCHANNEL_DEBUG_LEVELenvironment variable is set to NOTSET or DEBUG.

  • Issue python-toolkit #67 Incorrect functions inputs are not reported [Was: Junit Extra-Options : No message when you have a wrong option in your workflow]
    When a PEaC uses an incorrect function input (e.g. if the PEaC author misspelled the input), an error is now reported in the logs.

  • Issue python-toolkit #69 Prepare for dynamic hooks/pools changes
    Some logs have been added for tracing hook definition (both when the hook is correct and when there is a problem).
    A provider will no longer stop if an external hook definition is invalid.

Bug fixes

  • Issue orchestrator #288 Robot Framework provider: The test reference is interpreted by the shell
    Issue orchestrator #319 [RobotFramework-Windows] Can't run tests when the test reference contains "\"
    Issue java-plugins #44 [RobotFramework-report-interpreter]The parser can't find test reference containing \ , on Linux OS
    The last problems with special characters in Robot Framework test names have been fixed. (This completes the correction started in 4.0.0.)

  • Issue java-plugins #16 🔑 Modify error message when the "premium" environment variable is missing/is present
    The error message logged when the Squash Orchestrator was launched in premium mode while connected to a Test Plan Retriever plugin in community version was misleading. It has been changed. (This completes the correction started in 4.0.0.)